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Q - What do you call a witch who lives at the beach?
A - A sand-witch !!

Q - What do witches use in their hair?
A  - scare-spray

Q - What do they teach in witching school?
A  - Spelling.

Q - Why does a witch ride a broom?
A  - Vacuum cleaners get stuck at the end of the cord.

Q - What do you call a witch's garage?
A  - A broom closet.

Q - What do you call two witches living together?
A  - Broommates.

Q - What is a witch's favorite subject in school?
A  - Spelling.

Q - What did the teenage witch ask her mother on Haloween?
A  - Can i have the keys to the broom tonight.

Q - What do u get when theres a witch in the desert?
A  - You get a sandwich.

Q - What did the goblin say to the witch?
A  - I don't know you tell me!

Have a Happy Halloween!

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