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The producers of "Survivor" plan to enlist 12 men for their next TV adventure.

Each man will be dropped in an unidentified suburb with a van, six kids (each of whom play 2 sports AND take dance or music lessons), and no access to fast food.

They must keep the house clean, correct all homework (receiving at least a C+ on all papers), complete one science project.

They must cook (OK, they can bring one cookbook), do dishes & laundry, etc.

Oh, and they also have access to television only when the kids are asleep and all of the chores are done.

And oh,...none of the televisions have remotes.

PLUS they have to shave their legs and wear makeup which they must apply themselves either while driving or while making all six lunches.

Competitions will consist of such things as attending a PTA meeting and accurately reporting the results, cleaning up after a sick child at 3 a.m., making an Indian hut with six toothpicks, a tortilla and one marker, and getting a 4 year old to eat a serving of peas.

The kids get to vote them off.

The winner gets to go back to his job!


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