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Q - What is a vampire's least favorite meal? 
A - Stake !!

Q - What do vampires enjoy most about baseball?
A  - The bats (and the double-headers) 

Q - What kind of toothpaste do vampires buy?
A  - Ultra-Bite. 

Q - What does a monster wear when it rains?
A  - His ghoul-oshes.

Q - How did the monster predict his future?
A  - With a horror-scope. 

Q - What did the monster do when he lost his hand?
A  - He went to a second hand store. 

Q - Why wouldn't the skeleton cross the road?
A  - Because he didn't have any guts. 

Q - What are a spook's two favorite rides at the fair?
A  - The roller ghoster and the merry ghoul round.

Q - What is a vampires favorite holiday?
A  - Fangsgiving. 

Q - What four things do monsters enjoy eating on Halloween?
A  - Ghoulash and I Scream with booberry pie and ghoul-aid. 

Q - What two famous places did the monster visit while on his vacation?
A  - The Vampire State Building and Count Rushmore. 

Q - What is in the red blood cells of monsters?
A  - Hemogoblin !!!

Q - What spook lives in the "hundred acre wood"?
A  - Winnie the Boo 
A  - His bootiful ghoul-friend. 

Q - Where do ghosts keep their cars?
A  - In a mirage. 

Q - What is the hardest thing to sell to a mummy?
A  - Life Insurance. 

Q - How do you keep a skeleton from laughing?
A  - Take away his funny bone!

Q - What is a vampire's favorite fruit?
A  - Neck tarines

Q - Why didn't the wraith win at poker?
A  - He didn't have a ghost of a chance. 

Q - What performers do vampires enjoy the most at the circus?
A  - The jugulars 

Q - What do spooks call their Navy?
A  - The ghost guard.

Q - What do you call a mummy who eats cookies in bed?
A  - A crumby mummy! 

Q - Why do Casper's phone bills tend to be so high each month?
A  - He is always calling ghost-to-ghost.

Q - Why couldn't the skeleton go to the dance?
A  - Because he had no body to take !

Have a Happy Halloween!

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