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A Special Present

There's a special present under the tree this year.
Wrapped in paper of red, white, and blue.
I walked in to find the children,
Constructing it especially for you.

Their little hands were covered with glitter,
Bits of paper scattered everywhere.
I had to quietly laugh at seeing them
With glue stuck in their hair.

I slipped out of the room unnoticed by them
And sat down in front of the tree.
The glowing lights and smells of Christmas
Quickly brought visions of you to me.

Suddenly, I heard little feet running down the hall.
I knew their project must now be done.
They handed me the crumpled present and asked,
if I would please help wrap this one.

On this sheet of paper a big star they had placed,
With stick-people looking up toward the sky.
They waited in anticipation for my approval.
Their faces glowed with pride

At the bottom, a note was scribbled
In a child's special little way,
To let you know they only asked Santa
For one thing this Christmas Day.

We asked Santa if he would hang a special star,
While he was up there in the sky.
So that you can look up and see our gift
From where you are tonight.

Santa said it wouldn't be hard to find it.
He would put the biggest one there for you.
Because, we know there's lots of stars
And they're real far away too.

So before you go to sleep Christmas night,
Look way up in the sky
You'll see our star Santa left for you,
While he was flying by.

Then they signed it at the bottom
in your favorite color, blue.
We know why you're a soldier Mommy
and we're so proud of you.

Dedicated to all the women serving in our US Military.

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